Indonesia is one of the world's pepper producing countries, along with India, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brazil. With increasing competition in the quality and quantity of pepper production, Indonesia continues to be demanded to be able to maintain competitiveness in the global market. Indonesia itself has a market share of around 11%, and production growth tends to increase. However, with the increasing development of pepper production from other producers, the market share position in the future will undoubtedly change, and export competition between producing countries will also increase.

The stretching competition for the global pepper market requires Indonesia to increase productivity and quality of competitiveness. The dynamics of the development of world pepper need to be studied and anticipated the impact of various possibilities for Indonesia. Therefore, SpiceUp is here to provide information and various services that can support the productivity performance of pepper plantations in Indonesia.

Webinars at this first session, participants will get

  1. The latest developments related to pepper farming were conveyed directly by experts who are dedicated to pepper.
  2. Various important information about the pepper market in Indonesia.
  3. Increase public attention regarding the lucrative pepper business.
  4. And many other benefits will be obtained after participating in this webinar event.

Various matters relating to the development of the pepper commodity market will be discussed in the webinar "SpiceUp Live # 1 Development of pepper farming in Indonesia." and the resource person is a highly dedicated expert on pepper, namely Mr Hatami Nugraha, CEO of PT. Cinquer Agro Nusantara.

See the full discussion in the SpiceUp Live # 1 webinar on the development of pepper farming in Indonesia.
On Friday, December 11, 2020, | 13.00 - 14.30 WIB.

Click the link below to register for free at the Spice Up Live # 1 webinar: (Zoom)


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