SpiceUp for Pepper Collectors

The SpiceUp service is available via a mobile application. The app will support pepper buyers during SpiceUp transactions. Via Unique Farmer QR codes the Collector is able to collect specific farm data such as farm size, pepper variety, and amount of yield from the Spiceup Farm.

By using the app it becomes easier to reach out to suppliers and customers. Therefore, as a collector you will be able to manage the stock including the value of stock-based on the record of transactions. All these data are used as input for the traceability service of SpiceUp. The market price can be accessed and used as input for farmer transactions.

Features for pepper collectors

Reach your source

By using the SpiceUp app it becomes easier to connect with the market. 100.000 Farmers can reach out through the app by contacting potential sellers if they have pepper to sell. A buyer receives a notification when the product is available on the market.

Quick record of your transactions (QR code)

Easy data logging and transferring via QR coding. Specific farm data such as farm size, farm name, pepper variety, and number of yield will be transferred via a QR code to the collector.

Trace your transactions

Every batch sold via the SpiceUp app can be traced back and forward in the supply chain. The traceability system makes it possible to see who the end buyer is of the SpiceUp pepper. We call it ‘supply chain transparency’.

Manage your stock

Based on the information that farmers inserted in the app, collectors can easily manage their stock quantity, quality, check the implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) by farmers, and price.

Connect to your customer (end buyer)

By using the app it is possible to connect with a potential customer to offer <b>SpiceUp pepper</b>.

Market info, trends and prices

The app provides free access to prices and market updates for white and black pepper. By providing this information it becomes easier to negotiate with suppliers and customers.