The global pepper market has become increasingly competitive due to the relative market demand for supply. Requirements for production in various pepper consuming countries are strict when it comes to quality assurance, hygiene, and health aspects. Pepper contamination occurs in almost all pepper producing countries because most of them still use conventional cultivation methods.
In Indonesia, the processing method for black and white pepper is still less hygienic and as a result, there’s a higher risk of products being contaminated by microorganisms. Problems like this can be minimized by appropriate means in the harvest and post-harvest processes of pepper products.
In this webinar, SpiceUp raises the topic of harvesting and processing to obtain high-quality pepper products, with the hope of providing useful information in the harvest and post-harvest processes to increase productivity, efficiency and improve yield quality and aspects of product hygiene. To learn more details from our experts, join us for the live webinar event.
Dr. Ir. Dyah Manohara, Senior Researcher at the Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (Balittro) or the Research Institute for Spices and Medicines (ICRI), will be the primary resource person in this webinar.
In this webinar , participants will get information on
- Practical steps on preparation in the pepper harvest process.
- Recommendations for the post-harvest processing of pepper.
Join us for a full discussion in the sixth SpiceUp live webinar and learn more about harvesting and processing methods to obtain high-quality pepper products next Friday, 29 January 2021, | 13.30 - 15.30 WIB.
Click the link below to register for free at the spice up live webinar #6: