Pest attack is one of the main factors that can reduce pepper production in Indonesia. The parts that are often attacked include flowers, fruit, shoots, branches, and stems. Pests attack on the productive part causes a decrease in quality, loss of production, and can even cause death in pepper plants.

In Indonesia, three known pests attack pepper cultivation, namely stem borer (Lophobaris piperis Marsh.), Fruit sucker (Dasynus piperis China) and flower sucker (Diconocoris hewetti (Dist.)). The stem borer population is always present in the field at various stages (eggs, larvae, pupa, and adults), while flower and fruit suckers are found in the flower and fruit season.

Pest control efforts carried out by farmers generally use synthetic insecticides. Another alternative that is often used is ecosystem management to increase the natural enemy of pepper pests, namely parasitoids. Regarding efforts to increase parasitoids, pepper farmers can conserve natural enemies through intercropping, ground cover crops, and little weeding. For more details, you can attend a live webinar event held by SpiceUp and will be explained in detail and straightforwardly by experts from Balittro.

In this webinar , participants will get information on:

  1. Related to several types of pests and diseases that often attack pepper plants.
  2. Symptoms caused by pess and diseases that often attack pepper plants.
  3. Bagaimana langkah yang efektif dalam menghadapi hama dan penyakit pada tanaman lada.

Dr. Ir. Dono Wahyuno, Senior Researcher at the Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (Balittro) or the Research Institute for Spices and Medicines (ICRI), will be the primary resource person in this webinar.

Join us for a full discussion in the fifth SpiceUp live webinar and learn how to introduction and pest control of pepper plant diseases, next Friday, 22 January 2021, | 13.00 - 15.00 WIB.

Click the link below to register for free at the spice up live webinar # 5:


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